We’re listening…
Many of you will have heard the Animate partners – Jo, Ian, Joette and Richard – speak of the value of gathering independent external feedback. Showing we practice what we preach, we’ve just started such a process. Richard explains why.
Like many of our clients, we regularly receive feedback on our work. Our leadership courses are evaluated, our research reports commented upon in draft form and concluding thoughts shared at the end of programmes.
So why go to the expense of contracting an independent market research company?
There are two reasons. Firstly, we want to ensure people feel free to give us truly honest feedback. Secondly, we want to understand the impact of our work. To establish this we must leave clients to embed the results of our work for a period of time, and then ask them about its effect.
Scotinform, our chosen market research company, has already spoken to a small group of our clients to draw out themes. Today, 18 January, sees our online survey for all of our clients go live.
And what will we do with the results?
Whilst it’s always interesting to know what our clients think, this isn’t just a listening exercise. Our intention is that the feedback will have a direct impact on the way we work. Experience in implementing an ISO9001 quality management system means there’s no doubt in my mind of the importance of the ‘Act’ part of the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ quality cycle.
January’s a good time to listen, and to use what we hear to plan for the rest of the year and beyond. I hope you have your say!