A big, bold, boisterous conversation about recovering hope


The publication, 3 months on, of the learning from the Scottish Recovery Consortium and Workforce Scotland’s ‘big, bold, boisterous conversation about recovering hope’ reminded Animate partner Jo Kennedy of how much she’d enjoyed the event.

Held back in March 2015 at Edinburgh’s Out of the Blue arts venue, the event brought together ordinary people, policy makers and practitioners. 117 people attended from 59 separate organisations including the Scottish Prison Service, Police Scotland, the Scottish Government and local government, the NHS and Health Scotland, voluntary organisations, social enterprise, business, academia, community development, community activists and spiritual organisations.

The aim was investigate recovering hope using the metaphor of recovery, and to plan what we need to do to make our services more responsive and more humane. The event was based on the World Café approach – an Animate favourite.

You can read more about the conversation on the Scottish Recovery Consortium website.


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